Friday, December 13, 2013

Quiz review

Questions about:
1.  H-R diagram.
- know what it means
- the axes and general shape
- the Main Sequence
- where to find white dwarfs and giants/supergiants
- the stellar classification (O B A F G K M)
- what kind of star the Sun is (G2)
I may just draw an H-R diagram and ask you to fill in information.

2.  Doppler effect
- understand the general nature of the DE, not just for sound but also for light (it's all about an apparent change in the frequency)
- know the difference between red shift and blue shift
- know that the red shift of distant galaxies suggested to Edwin Hubble that the universe was expanding

3.  Basics of optics
- how light behaves when it hits a mirror or lens
- be able to draw paths that light would take

4.  Revisit the parsec and recall the definition.
- at a distance of 1 parsec, a length of one AU subtends an angle of one arcsecond.  It also works in reverse - if the Earth travels a distance of 1 AU in orbit, the parallax angle of nearby stars (with respect to further-away background stars) can be used to measure their distances:
d = 1/angle
where d (distance, in parsec) is 1 divided by the parallax angle (in arcseconds).

5.  Electromagnetic radiation
Know a little about the EM spectrum chart:
- it goes from low frequency waves to high frequency waves
- you can also think of it as going from long wavelength to short wavelength waves
- Radio, microwave, IR, visible, UV, X, gamma
- ALL of the waves travel at the speed of light (c) in a vacuum.  

Scroll back to blog posts as far as Tuesday, November 12.

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